Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How To Play Casino Stud Poker

Casino Stud poker is the British version of what is commonly known as Caribbean stud poker. It was dubbed Caribbean stud poker simply because it is a favorite game of vacation-goers on cruise ships and those holidaying in exotic casino in the islands.It is similar to blackjack but many consider it to be more exciting than Blackjack and free bingo because the free casinos payouts are more generous. For instance if you get a straight flush it pays 50 to 1. Even the payout for holding two pairs is quite generous at 2:1.

The casino stud poker games table resembles a blackjack table but the markings on the felt are a little different. There are two circles, one marked raise and the other marked ante. You put your wager in the circle marked ante. The amount you can bet (the minimums and maximums are usually posted at the table).In online casinos the minimum and maximum wagers are usually marked clearly as part of the software. Play opens with the dealer dealing five cards to each player and five cards to himself. The dealer reveals one of his cards to the players. In a live casino game the players examine their hands and make one of two decisions:

After all of the players have decided whether to raise or fold, the dealer turns his other four cards over. The rule of online casino Stud is that the dealer must have an ace-king or better for his hand to qualify. If the dealer's hand does not qualify, the dealer simply pays out all the players still in the hand their ante stake, at even money, without comparing their actual hands.

Before the deal begins, players must make an initial ante bet in order to be dealt cards. This is placed on a small circle in front of the player and marked for that purpose. When the antes are placed the dealer deals one card to each player's box and then to themselves, and does this five times. All cards are face down except the fifth card to the dealer. This is left face up for casino all to see. When the deal is finished, players pick up their cards and decide whether they want to play their hand or pass it.

1. If you have a potential winning hand, you signify that you are raising your bet by laying your cards face down in the raise box and place double your initial stake on top of your cards. If your first bet was £10, the raise is £20, making a total of £30 bet.
2. If you feel your hand is likely to be a loser, you signal that you are forfeiting your wager, by pushing your cards towards the dealer.

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